
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Meet Ralene Burke AND a *Giveaway*

Check out this interview of author Ralene Burke! Also, make sure to comment below for your chance to win a kindle copy of her book Bellanok! 

Hi Ralene!
I just finished reading your debut novel Bellanok. It’s a story full of demons, dragons, unicorns and best of all, a faerie queen. Tell us what inspired you to write this creative story.

Honestly, I have no idea. I was in prayer one day--not even about writing if I recall correctly--and the story title just came to me. As I started letting the title roll over my tongue, the premise of the story formed in my mind. Before I knew it, I had written the first chapter. 

The main character in the book is Brian, who is a burnt-out pastor who has lost his spark. Bellanok is the first book in a series you will be putting out over the course of the next few months. Somehow Brian is going to be transformed into a hero at some point. Can you give us any clues as to how this may take place? Or would that be giving away too much?

We all know that part of growing is being put through the refiner's fire, right? Let's just say there's a lot of fire--literally and figuratively. 

I’m really curious about Brian’s transformation. I’m wondering how much Fauna’s influence on him is going to help push him into the person he’s supposed to become.

I believe they will influence each other, actually. Fauna may seem all put together--and for the most part she is--but there are lessons for her to learn throughout the story as well.

Can you reveal if Brian and Fauna will become an item? Would that even work- A human and a faerie?

What do you think? *wink* If a romance were possible, though, you're right. How would that work? One would have to give up the only life they've known for that romance. Would it be worth it? Would there be any regret? Only the story can tell . . . 

I’m also curious to know what Roman will look like as a dragon. That must be awful uncomfortable being a dragon in human form. No wonder he’s kind of grouchy.

The actual being in human form is not any more or less comfortable for this particular dragon. Once on Bellanok, he goes between the two quite easily and often. However, the frustrating part for him is the restrained abilities in human form: no flying, no fire-breathing, less strength. I won't tell you much about how he looks, but I will say that he is a crimson dragon. 

Considering the short length of the books, it makes for a nice, easy read. Would you consider these to be mini-books?

The plan is that all 5 books will be about 20K words, or about 70 pages. They're novellas/novellettes. However, because they are a series, they are also termed "serials." 

Tell us when your next book in the series will be coming out.

The plan was to release the next book, Bellanok: An Urgent Quest, by Black Friday, but I think it'll be more like the first week of December. 

Have you always enjoyed the fantasy genre? What is one of your favorite series?

Yes, I've always enjoyed the fantasy genre, but it is not something I really got into until after I had kids. More time on my hands, I guess. Right now, my favorite fantasy series is the Follower of the Word trilogy by Morgan Busse. 

One last thing, if you could be any creature in your book, which one would you choose and why?

Hmmm . . . good question. Probably a fairy. In my story, they are so versatile at what they are capable of with various gifts and specialties.

Thank you for having me, Deanna!

Thank you Ralene! It was a pleasure to have you on our blog, and it was a pleasure to get to know you at the ACFW Conference this year. Don't forget to check out Ralene's bio and the BOOK GIVEAWAY below.

Whether she’s wielding a fantasy writer’s pen, a freelance editor’s sword, or a social media wand, Ralene Burke always has her head in some dreamer’s world. And her goal is to make it SHINE! She spins fantastical tales to encourage people to SHINE BEYOND. She has worked for a variety of groups/companies, including Realm Makers, The Christian PEN, Kentucky Christian Writers Conference, and as an editor for a number of freelance clients.
Her first novel, Bellanok, is being published as a 5-part serial starting in October 2015!
When her head’s not in the publishing world, she is wife to a veteran and homeschooling mama to their three kids. Her Pinterest board would have you believe she is a master chef, excellent seamstress, and all around crafty diva. If she only had the time . . .

You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, or at her website

Tell us you want Ralene's book below in the comments and you just might receive a free copy (kindle version). We'll be giving away one at the end of the week. Stay tuned for the WINNER. It might be YOU!


  1. Oooh! I just bought Ralene's book for my very own - which is a good thing as being one of the co-authors of this blog may disqualify me - and I'm a few pages into it. Such a fun premise of different worlds crossing over. Love the fantasy element and looking forward to this imaginative tale!

  2. Thanks for having me on your blog, Deanna! I enjoyed the interview!

    1. Seriously, we'll have to do this again someday. Thanks for being our first interviewee!

  3. This sounds right up my alley, count me in for the giveaway :)

    1. Yeah Laurie! Thanks for being the first to throw your hat in the ring!

  4. Sounds like a terrific book--something you'd expect from the great Ralene Burke! (Love ya, gal!)

  5. Laurie Lucking, you are the WINNER of our book giveaway!!!! I will PM you to get you your copy of Ralene Burke's debut novel Bellanok!


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