
Monday, July 11, 2016

Book Review: Zombie Takeover by Michele Israel Harper

I've been known to indulge in zombie entertainment once or twice. It's true. I admit it. I succumbed to curiosity when the whole world would not shut up about this show called, "The Walking Dead." I may have seen an episode, just to see what all the hype was about.

Or.........I may have binge-watched the first four seasons because I was late to the party, and now I may be eagerly, shamelessly, breathlessly waiting with the rest of the world to find out who Neagan killed (I think it's Eugene. Who do you think it was? And don't you dare say Glenn. Don't. You. Dare.).
photo credit: vanity fair

I like riveting television, okay? I want to be engaged with pop-culture. An apocalyptic epidemic resulting in a massive zombie takeover is a fascinating and mind-bending thing to think about. And it's darn good writing, if you can stomach it.

The problem is, many Christians can't. It crosses too many lines for them. When the living become more wicked and fearsome than the dead, it ceases to be entertaining.

With Zombie Takeover, author Michele Israel Harper gives people of faith an avenue to zombie entertainment. Readers will have the freedom indulge their love of zombie culture without violating their conscience with cursing, murder, or sex. 

Her characters show godly compassion to one another, selflessness, and--yes!--even purity. The heroine prays. She listens to God as if He is still active in this world, which has been taken over by zombies. But as dire as the world is, Harper keeps the 1st person narrative light, and even laugh-out-loud funny in parts. 

Candace Marshall is a fresh and welcome heroine for readers who have grown weary of the brooding, dark, and masculine female leads so prevalent in pop-culture today. She's humble, and doesn't take herself too seriously. She's clutzy, socially awkward, needs rescuing every once in a while, and she has a wonderful, compassionate, and even maternal heart.

Better than that, she stands up for her convictions. Her love interest, the swoon-worthy Gavin, responds just the way every young romantic reader hopes he will. He is chivalrous, amorous, and a true gentleman.

The action begins on page one, and good pacing carries the heroine through obstacle after obstacle. Readers will also stay engaged with a believable romance between a sweet couple they can't help but root for.

Readers may think they've got it figured out, but I promise there will be some head-scratching along the way! 

Worry not, zombie lovers, the gore is present, but palatable.

At just $1.99 for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, ibooks, and Kobo it's a steal, and a worthy, entertaining, lighthearted read. Support this amazing and talented author, and don't forget to leave a review on her Goodreads page.

Michele Israel Harper spends her days as a stay–at-home mom and her nights typing away furiously on her laptop. Sleep? Sometimes… A member of the Heartland Christian Writers, American Christian Fiction Writers, as well as the treasurer for the Indiana chapter of ACFW, Michele has her bachelor’s degree in History and can most often be found with her nose in a book when not chasing her two rambunctious boys or cuddling her new baby daughter. Visit her website at http://www.MicheleIsraelHarper.com to learn more about her.

You can meet her virtually at her Facebook launch party this Thursday.  Never been to a Facebook party before? It's easy! Go to https://www.facebook.com/events/704667613005619/. Click that you're either "interested" or "going." Show up at the page the day of the event (July 14th between 7-10pm--Facebook will send you a reminder) and comment on ANY picture to enter the giveaways of your choosing. Winners will be chosen and notified, and the post office will never go out of business with the number of prizes being mailed. She's giving away roughly 50 books!

Want to know more about Zombie Takeover?

Check out this blog post yesterday from a reviewer who hates zombies but loved the book!

And Michele is blogging tomorrow because it's RELEASE DAY! How exciting! You don't want to miss it.


  1. You likeThe Walking Dead too?????!!!!!!!
    OK now to read the rest of your post.

  2. I do, Lucy. Sometimes I cringe to admit it, but it's true! :)

    1. I just watched it to support Glenn... and Daryl. Especially Daryl...

    2. If Daryl doesn't make it to the end, I'm done! :D

  3. I love this post, Robin!!!! That was an excellent review!! Now I'm itching to read it even more!!

  4. Thanks, Deanna! I know you'll enjoy it!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Great review, Robin! I got to read an advance review copy, too, and I shared a lot of your thoughts. I'm not a zombie fan personally, but even for me it was very approachable and Candace was a fun, refreshing heroine. And Gavin! Definitely swoon-worthy :)

  7. Oh. My. Word. Thank you so much for this incredible review! I'm speechless, and there are tears in my eyes. Thank you!

    1. Yay! Glad you liked the review :-)

    2. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to read it and review it, and I'm so glad you like my review. Looking forward to reading the next Candace and Gavin story!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Excuse me, I've got to pick my jaw up off the floor. Still reeling from Robin's admission that she watched 'Walking Dead.' Okay...found it. NOW I will run, not walk, to my Kindle and put 'Zombie Takeover' at the top of my TBR list. And maybe I'll make a shocking revelation myself: My current WIP came to me after watching 'Orphan Black' :D

    1. Yeah, Robin has a dark side. Hehehe. We should call her darth Robin. Just kidding. My I'm still a bit surprised too. I've tried watching WD with my hubby and I just can't stomach it. I guess I made it through a couple episodes. And I've seen a movie with zombies, but I'm like Harper's Candace character, a great big scared out of my whits girl, who can't handle zombies most of the time. There was one zombie video online that almost made me barf. That's how much I hate them. Can't wait to read a zombie book that I won't be afraid of reading, since I know it's not going to be horribly gory and graphic. Maybe somewhat, but I'm sure it's not over the top like most are.

    2. Michele's book, I meant to say. Not A zombie book, THIS zombie book. This is what happens when you stay up too late. You can't write straight. :p

    3. What can I say, it's my guilty pleasure :) My husband and I discuss as we watch what a great team we would make after a zombie takeover!


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