
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Headed to Realm Makers!

Guess where I'm off to this week?
Can you take a gander? Oh wait, it's already above. Well, that just ruined the surprise.

I'm going to REALM MAKERS, people!!! Are you excited for me?

Wait... you're not? What is Realm Makers, you say? Oh. Of course. You wouldn't be excited if you don't know what it is.

Let me explain... Realm Makers is a speculative writers heaven on earth. A glorious writing conference filled with information, cosplay, fellow nerds, learning, fellowshipping, laughter and education, a chance to meet fellow writers/authors, an opportunity to pitch your book, and did I mention a NERF GUN WAR? Oh yes, how could I forget that. (Ignore the long, run on sentence)

It might possibly be the most epic conference for anyone who writes speculative fiction in the history of conferences.

Okay, but how do you know that, Deanna? You've never even been to it yet. 

Well... let's just say I've spent the last year or so getting to know all the people who HAVE been there, and they are AWESOME. I'm squealing just thinking about getting to meet all these fantastic people in person.

Not to mention how amazing everyone raves it will be. I almost don't want to believe them, for fear that it won't be as epic-ly awesome as everyone claims it is, and then I'll get disappointed. But you know what? I doubt that will happen. No conference is perfect. Nothing is always going to go as planned. I know that as long as I bring a teachable spirit and a happy/helpful heart, God will bless me and make the conference a wonderful experience, no matter what.

I will be leaving late Wed. night. Prayers appreciated for me so I will be able to sleep on the flight. It gets in early Thur. morning in Philly. This is also only the second solo trip I've ever taken. Seriously.

Prayers also, for my friend Andrea and I. Neither of us is that great at directions and together we are going to attempt to find each other in a foreign airport, find the baggage claim, find the place where they sell train tickets, find the place where the train actually is, get on it before it takes off, switch trains at one point, and get on a new train all the way to Villanova campus. But no, it doesn't drop you off AT campus, it drops you off a-ways from campus, and then you have to figure out how to walk there from that train stop. Yes. I imagine with two directionally challenged individuals, this is going to be one crazy adventure.

Prayers most definitely appreciated. (Just found out last night, an AMAZING wonderful friend-who will not be named-AMY-is going to drive us to the campus. PRAISE JESUS for stress relief and good friends!)

Keep checking back in with our blog later this week as I will be updating you (most likely Thur. or Fri) about how the conference is going. And PICTURES, my friends, lots of wonderful photos and all the geekery and madness and wonderfulness that Realm Makers encompasses.

Wish me luck-scratch that-pray for me!

*I do not claim the rights to any of the photos above. I am using them with permission from Realm Makers staff. All photos shown are of previous Realm Makers conferences. 


  1. Dude, I so forgot about that picture of me and Heather! Epic! Can't wait to finally hug your neck!

    1. I'm short, so hugging my neck sounds about right. Just don't strangle me! :) No, seriously, I can't wait to hug and meet you either!

  2. Replies
    1. Can't wait to hug you!! And don't forget, I owe you a meal, or an ice cream or something! ;)


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