
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Love in Literature - Part 3

By Lucy

“I love stories about love. Love at first sight. Love that sneaks up quietly after years of friendship. Love that causes the heart to beat and the breath to draw short. Love that pulses, quivers, gushes, consumes, and overwhelms.” 
~ Robin Scobee

I won't lie. I love romances! I love the chemistry between the hero and heroine, the journey they travel to reach their happily ever after. (And I prefer reading romances with happily ever afters.)  The challenges they face and the struggles they overcome. And if you haven't already, read which couples made Jeb's and Robin's lists. 

If you know me, my favorite couple will not suprise you.

Michael Hosea and Angel from Francine Rivers' Redeeming Love.

They start out with the classic plot of Enemy turned Lover. 
Michael Hosea is determined to obey the Lord, which puts him in the uncomfortable position of clashing with Angel's internal goal.
They're off to a rocky start as husband and wife. And they struggle, clashing around every corner. 

Angel insists on leaving, striking out on her own. She's determined never to "belong" to anyone ever again in her life. She doesn't know how much she needs love, and since she hasn't been loved in so long, she's not sure how to respond to Michael's kindness. She makes one terrible mistake after another. 
Michael's committed to love her, even though she's nothing he expected in a wife. His obedience to a God she doesn't believe exists, coupled with his determination, drives her crazy. But Michael's love for the Lord enables him to follow His instructions. 
Who can resist a hero who loves his heroine but loves God most?

The swooning moment for me happens when Angel realizes how desperately she needed the Lord's redemption, and when she finally submits to it. We find Michael, the gallant, steadfast and committed hero, there to welcome her back after she was tested in the fire.

Reading Redeeming Love also enhanced my understanding of the book of Hosea, on which Francine Rivers based her novel. 
In the biblical story, God instructed the prophet Hosea to marry a local prostitute, Gomer. The Lord uses Gomer to teach Hosea about Isreal's unfaithfulness and the Lord's steadfast love and faithfulness to Isreal, even after Isreal's unfaithfulness.

Until next time,
Be blessed
~ Lucy

1 comment:

  1. I still need to read this book. Everyone raves about it.


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