
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Author of Scarlet Moon on our blog today!

Today we welcome Sarah Grimm to our blog. 
Her novel Scarlet Moon just released with Enclave Publishing this month. We are so excited for her!!

Sarah, I want to thank you for taking the time to do an interview with us on our blog today.

Also, I personally have to give you a quick shout out. This wonderful gal, who I met at Realm Makers 2016 Conference, helped me with directions when I was totally scared and lost. The college campus was huge and intimidating for me and my direction-challenged self. When Sarah was travelling back to the dorms, she saw I was in distress and helped walk back with me, retracing the steps she had just taken. She didn't have to do that, and for her kindness I will be ever thankful. 

Now onto the interview with the amazing author of SCARLET MOON.

What's your writing ritual like? 

I try to write a thousand words a day unless I’m deep in planning a new story or editing for a deadline. 

What's something we wouldn't know about you just by looking? 

Well, I do like Brazilain jiu jitsu, kickboxing, fencing, and shooting. Archery is next. 

Do you listen to music while you write? 

YES! But not while I edit. I need to hear the cadence of the sentences when I edit. 

Where is your office? 

Technically, it’s in my home. The basement. I call it the dungeon when it’s deadline time. But it’s a nice little area surrounded by bookshelves and exercise equipment. And I don’t always work there. Have laptop. Will travel. 
Laptops are my favorite.

If you were a superhero, what would be your super power? 

Invisibility. But that’s not the superpower I’d want. I’d want to be telepathic.

Favorite season? 

Autumn! I love the colors, that I can wear jeans, that the weather is awesome, and I adore bonfires, pumpkins, and leather jackets!

What's your favorite chore? 

Cooking. Shhhh. Don’t tell. 
Don't worry, we won't. ;)

Who is your favorite fictional character? 

This changes all the time, and I can never pick just one. I love Captain America, Kenshin Hirmura (anime), Tadashi from Big Hero 6, and Bigwig aka Thlayli. 

What are the names of your pets? If you don't have any, what would you name your pets? 

Current and past: Sylvester, Elkie, Wellington (Willie), Cozette (Cozy), Indiana Bones, Sydney, Nemo, Rodeo, and Falkor (Kory).

Favorite place you’ve traveled to? 

Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks.

What’s your favorite book? 

The Lord of the Rings trilogy. 

What are you reading right now? 

Cool. I've been reading Outlander for the last year. For some reason I haven't been able to get into it. I keep picking it up, and I AM enjoying it, but there's months in between where I'm not reading it. I just bought the sequel to it, so I better finish eventually. Hope you can get through it faster than me. :)

Thank you again, Sarah for being on our blog today!

We eagerly anticipate buying a copy of SCARLET MOON and diving into it soon! 

Buy Scarlet Moon now!

If you can't wait to plunge into Scarlet Moon either, leave us a comment below!


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