
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Sad and Happy News.

We have some sad news and some happy news.

Am I being confusing yet?

The sad news. :(

Okay, so the sad news is that our marvelous Lucy (Lucette) Nel has decided to step down from partnering with Quills and Inkblotts. She has been such an asset and a blessing to our blog. We are incredibly saddened, but incredibly supportive of her choice. She's learned over fourteen faithful months of blogging with us, that blogging is increasingly becoming more of a burden than a blessing in her life. While we will truly miss the fun, spunky voice of hers, we understand. We want her to be able to focus more intently on her other projects and we wish her well in her future writing endeavors!

The happy news. :)

We have the pleasure of introducing not one but TWO new blogging partners to Quills and Inkblotts. Lucy's shoes were SO BIG to fill we had to take on two new people to fill her place. :)

Put your hands together and give a warm welcome to Nicki Bishop and Lani Forbes!



We will have them introduce themselves here soon. I know they're both going to be a huge blessing on our blog.

ALSO...(drumroll please) we have a SURPRISE coming your way. Jebraun has something up her sleeve that she's been diligently working on. We can't wait to reveal it to you soon!


  1. Welcome, welcome! So glad you're throwing your quills in with us ;-)

  2. Thank you! So excited to join the team!

  3. Now I'm curious to hear Jebraun's news! :)


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