
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Who are we? Part one of four interviews.

Since this is a brand new blog, we thought it would be fun to interview one another so you can get to know us better. And since we live all over the world and haven’t met one another except over social media and through ACFW, it gave us an opportunity to find out a little more about each other too. Deanna decided to kick things off by asking Jebraun a few questions about writing and life.

What inspired you to start writing? 
The question should be what inspired me to start writing again. After taking an almost twenty year break to raise a family, I thought it was time to rekindle an old passion and start writing again. I enjoyed writing short stories at college but always wanted to latch onto a great idea for a novel. I'm excited about the one I have brewing now. Storytelling is so important. Stories are such an amazing way to entertain, educate, and encourage. And we need that! There's a lot of negativity in this world, and sometimes the best vehicle to counter that is a story full of hope and promise. 

You write Speculative YA, what made you pick that particular genre?
I want to write about a world where anything can happen! I don't want to be limited by history, research, or even physics. And there are so many possibilities with speculative fiction. Steve Laube from Enclave Publishing describes the speculative genre, in particular science fiction and fantasy, as the one genre of all genres in fiction that reflect the creativity of God. Isn't that an amazing concept? And I want to write to a YA audience because that’s the age when we start asking those questions about why we're here, and what it all means. Madeleine L'Engle, probably my favorite author of all time, once said that some of those questions don't have finite answers, but the questions themselves are important. I hope to ask some important questions as well as provide a few possible answers to my readers.

Tell us the name of your WIP, and what is the message behind it?
Well, I entered a contest recently and can't post my title on social media. But the message is simple. My WIP is about family, loyalty, and finding our true identity. And it tackles the difficulties we can have when one or more of these ideas clash with one another. It’s also about staying true to who God created us to be in the face of adversity.

Who is your favorite character in your story and why?
My favorite character is my heroine, Tyrzah. I like her because she wants to do the honorable thing whatever the cost may be. She sees the injustices around her and wants to do something about it. And if someone has to take the hit for making the right decision, she'll accept that responsibility. Plus she has some mean skills with a sword!

Every story has to have a villain/a bad guy/an antagonist. Describe your villain.
Like in our world, the bad guys are behind the scenes. There are people in my story who look like the villains, but they're only pawns in the hands of the evil spiritual powers from my world. My heroine has to learn to wrestle against these powers to set things right.

Now just for fun, where is your favorite place to go on a date with your husband?
We love going to Leonardo's - this seriously amazing Italian restaurant - for our date nights. We take our time, eat, talk, and soak in the atmosphere. I love it! It's vital for couples to take time to recharge their relationship and have fun together. That's definitely one of the secrets for our 22 year marriage.

Check back next time when Jebraun poses a few questions to Robin.

As always, we welcome your comments. And if there's anything else you'd like to find out about Jebraun, ask away!

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