
Monday, May 23, 2016

Interview with Author Amy Brock McNew. Her book REBIRTH is released this week. Come celebrate with us!

Today on our blog we are blessed to be a part of Amy Brock McNew's book tour! YES! Go Amy! We are so excited to have you as a guest on our blog today. 

Amy has her debut novel Rebirth out in a few short days. I pre-ordered mine and it's coming on Friday. You should order yours too! 

Purchase Links: 
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1Sm5pNZ  Barnes &Noble: http://bit.ly/1So45GY 

iBooks: http://apple.co/1So4l8S   Kobo: http://bit.ly/213uz67             

We are celebrating this exciting moment with her. Come and listen as we had the pleasure of an interview with her.

In your book, Rebirth, which one is your favorite character and why?
I have a couple. But Ryland’s at the top of the list. He’s loosely based, ok maybe not so loosely, on my husband. Shhh! He’s strong, in every way not just physical. He’s honest and loyal. Very protective but still respects Liz’s strengths. And he evens her out and calms her down like no one else can. Of course, he can also rile her up the most!
Which character was the most fun to write?
Markus. He’s a demon, but he’s…intriguing. Not exactly what you’d expect from a minion of Hell.
Which character was the hardest to write?
Liz. I had to flay myself open and look inside too much.
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I’ve been a writer since I first learned to read. There never was a moment of realization. It was just a part of me.
How long does it take you to write a book?

Rebirth took a year for 1st draft, then another 6 months in editing. It was a mess. Reconciliation, book 2, only took 4 months to write.  

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

Up at 6 or 7, take care of stuff around the house and then hit the laptop around 9 or so. I write for anywhere from 4-10 hours out of the day. Depends on if I’m staring down the barrel of a deadline or if I’m really in a groove. Usually don’t get in bed until 2 or 3 because ideas tend to hit me late at night. And they won’t. Go. Away.

Do you have any interesting writing quirks?

Not that I can think of. Just that I have a hard time writing when it’s quiet. I don’t care for silence.

When did you write your first book and how old were you?

My first book was actually a children’s book called “Monster in my Window”. I wrote it when my sons were little, so I was about 22/23. It’s sitting in a Rubbermaid tub out in the shed. Who knows, maybe I’ll pull it out and dust it off one of these days.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I read. Constantly. I like to clean because I’m a neat freak. I love to crochet. That usually throws people off. I like to mess around on the heavy bag and train. And I love to go to concerts. I volunteer with a group called A1M that puts on some really awesome Christian rock and metal shows, which I adore, and that can take a lot of time in the summer. Which I am more than cool with.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

How much more to it there is than writing. The writing is only a small part of the adventure. But I’m loving the ride.

“With crisp writing, relentless action, and breathless stakes, Amy Brock McNew's Rebirth will grab readers from the first page and keep them riveted until the last. Liz Brantley is sure to claim a spot on the list of favorite kick-butt heroines right alongside Black Widow and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fans of gritty urban fantasy won't want to miss this ride!”
—Evangeline Denmark, author of Curio

“Amy is a terrifically capable novelist. Her prose is a joy to read. And this character and story world are brilliant fun.”
—Jeff Gerke, author of The Irresistible Novel

Rebirth was an action-packed story all the way to the end. I thoroughly enjoyed it.”
—Sarah Armstrong-Garner, author of Sinking

Rebirth cuts deep to the heart. It plunges you into a heart-wrenching story and makes you feel the intensity and agony the characters feel. Amy Brock McNew’s descriptive wording leaves you breathless. Beauty at every turn of the page. The passion is prevalent throughout every scene, and the romantic elements warm your soul and make you long for more.”
—Deanna Fugett, author of Ending Fear 

CHECK OUT THESE other Blogs who are also a part of the Tour Schedule:

Monday, May 16th: Zachary Totah (www.ZacharyTotah.com) Interview with the Characters of Rebirth
Tuesday, May 17th: Michele Israel Harper (www.MicheleIsraelHarper.com) Book Review
Wednesday, May 18th: Jennette Mbewe (www.jlmbewe.com) Unique Author Interview
Thursday, May 19th: Ralene Burke (www.RaleneBurke.com) Fun Mix Launch Post Plus Review
Friday, May 20th: Laurie Lucking (www.landsuncharted.com) Unique Author Interview
Friday, May 20th: H.A. Titus (www.hatitus.com) Unique Author Interview
Saturday, May 21st: Liz Carr (www.pennymindingmom.com) Book Review
Sunday, May 22nd: Robin Pack (www.snippetsoffaith.com) Book Review
Monday, May 23rd: Deanna Fugett (www.quillsandinkblotts.blogspot.com) Unique Author Interview
Monday, May 23rd: Janeen Ippolito (www.janeenippolito.com) Book Review
Tuesday, May 24th: Amy Brock McNew (www.AmyBrockMcNew.com) Release Day Feature!
Wednesday, May 25th: Marie-Theres Werner (www.thinkjournalisticblog.wordpress.com) Book Review
Thursday, May 26th: Gretchen E. K. Engel at Scriblerians (www.thescriblerians.wordpress.com) (Facebook Party Day!) Unique Author Interview, focusing on Amy's early days
Friday, May 27th: Kristen Stieffel at New Authors Fellowship (www.newauthors.wordpress.com) Post-Launch Feature
Friday, May 27th: Avily Jerome (www.AvilyJerome.com) Book Review Plus

Rebirth: Book One of the Reluctant Warrior Chronicles
Amy Brock McNew doesn’t just write speculative fiction, she lives and breathes it. 
Exploring the strange, the supernatural, and the wonderfully weird, Amy pours her guts onto the pages she writes, honestly and brutally revealing herself in the process. 
Nothing is off limits. Her favorite question is “what  if?” and she believes fiction can be truer than our sheltered and controlled realities. Visit AmyBrockMcNew.com to learn more about this intriguing author.              
Follow Amy on Social Media:

Website: http://amybrockmcnew.com/                        
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmyBrockMcNewAuthor                 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmyBrockMcNew                    

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/AmyBrockMcNew/               

Rebirth:Book One of the Reluctant Warrior Chonicles               
Amy Brock  McNew             
Release Date: May 24, 2016   
Paperback: $16.99, eBook: $4.99 (Pre-order Price of $2.99)
Love2ReadLove2Write Publishing, LLC      

Genre: Urban  Fantasy, ISBN:   978-1-943788-06-4 


  1. Great to have you on our blog, Amy!

    1. Thank you for inviting me. I'm so glad you guys are in on this adventure with me!

  2. So excited to read this book, Amy! Thanks for stopping by our blog and giving us some inside info. And have I mentioned how kick-butt your cover is?!? Love it!

    1. You're welcome. Thanks for having me! And I am so in love with the cover too!

  3. Absolutely loved this book! And "Liz" is the character that I could see myself in most, I guess cause we are both a hot mess! Lol

    1. You and me both, girl! Again, thank you do much! You have no idea how much you perked up my week!


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