
Thursday, July 21, 2016

COVER REVEAL for 'Ending Fear'

Yes! It's happening! It's really happening! (proceed with happy dance, throwing confetti, kissing babies, and generally having a great big party!)

The day has arrived when we can finally share the cover of Deanna Fugett's Ending Fear. Her YA dystopian is getting published soon so you have to forgive us if we're a little crazy around here.

But before the big reveal, would you like to read the blurb? Would you? Would you? All right, since you asked so nicely:

Fourteen-year-old Fear learns she was a parachute baby, dumped over the edge of the Gliding Lands as an infant. Running from her abusive Downer family, Fear discovers a new family. One who knows how to love. But then her new little sister is kidnapped and sold to a harem. Fear must go against her namesake and journey to the dreaded Gliding Lands before the little girl’s innocence is ripped from her forever. Can she save Happy in time?

Ooooh! How does that sound? Kinda like a cross between The Giver and a kick-butt updated version of Hinds Feet on High Places, doesn't it?!?

All of us here at Quills & Inkblotts have been a part of Deanna's journey and can't wait for this awesome book to make its way into the world.

And now...without further ado...

here it comes...

almost there...

wait for it...

Incredible, right?!? We think so too!

Congratulations, Deanna. We're so excited to see this book thrive!

Deanna Fugett’s heart belongs to writing. Author of edgy YA Dystopian fiction with an underlying message of hope, this stay-at-home mom of four focuses on writing as much as humanly possible. She was published at the young age of six in a local newspaper and is excited to be published again. It only took twenty-seven years. She enjoys the thrill of writing fiction that deals with intense topics and prays it will impact people for the better.

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