
Thursday, September 1, 2016

ACFW Genesis contest, YA Category WINNER is JEBRAUN CLIFFORD!

We are pleased to announce the winner of the ACFW Genesis Awards in the Young Adult category, all the way from New Zealand, our one and only, Jebraun Clifford.

She did it my friends!!!!

Were we surprised? Not a bit.

Are we thrilled beyond belief? You bet.

Is she exhausted beyond belief? You better believe it! ;)

Was she stunning at the awards gala? Most definitely so.


  1. Congratulations, Jebraun!!! I was rooting for you, and excited but not surprised at all to see you won! :) I can't wait to see what's next for you on your writing journey!

    1. Thank you so much, Laurie! Exciting times ahead, that's for sure :-)

  2. So proud of you, Jeb! I don't think this win surprised anyone. We've seen your work and it's excellent! I can't wait for Sparrowfall to find it's rightful place in the publishing world!!

    1. Thanks, Deanna! Your encouragement and support means a lot to me :-)


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